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Psalm 25:5 Ministries

Psalm 31:12
I have been forgotten like one who is dead: I have become like a broken vessel.

"Oh we are slow to see that it is only our weakness that HE wants!" - Lilias Trotter

We don't want to be broken vessels and thrown out. We want to be vessels used by God.

The world hates you and will throw you away,
but God Loves you and has provided a way.

It is time for us to be still
(Psalm 46:10)

Stop listening to the noise of the world and all it’s distractions.  We need to become still in the hands of God.  He desires to form and fashion our lives, but we have to be willing to be molded.  It requires surrendering and allowing God to work in our lives.  There will be times in our lives that we will go through the fire, but God is ALWAYS there.
He wants to form us into the likeness of Jesus Christ.


Our Purpose: 

Psalm 25:5 Ministries is here to help Bible-believing Christians go deep into God’s Word and to grow in their faith.

Our Mission:

We want to teach and use tools that are available to help people learn more about God’s Word.

We are passionate about teaching people How We Got The Bible and Why We Believe The Bible.

           Contact us if you are interested in                                 reserving a class:                                             Brian@Psalm255.org

Our Dream:

We are looking forward to a day that we have a location where we have a learning center for Biblical truth and the history of the Bible, a Christian bookstore with great learning materials, a themed atmosphere to help people understand Biblical times, and a great place to fellowship.   

About the founder...

I’ve been married to my wonderful wife, Julie, since 1994.  God has blessed us with three incredible boys, Seth, Isaac, and Elisha.  I have been privileged to serve in several different ministries throughout my career.  For the past 14 years, I have directed Events and Food Service ministries; however, the current state of the world and church, has given me a burden for people to be taught Truth and to grow in their relationship with God.

Actively the Founder is Involved In...

My prayer is to follow the verse Psalm 25:5 and put it into action.  “Lead me in Your truth and teach me” I am asking God to lead me wherever or to whatever end He wants me to go.  I want to do what is right and true according to God’s will.  I want to be taught and to teach others through teaching His word.  

2024 – I have the privilege of serving as the Vice President of the Global Association of Christian Hospitality Professionals.  

Our Mission: The association seeks “To Inspire and Equip” the industry’s professionals to reach their fullest potential by providing for them continued education, resources, and encouragement for this unique industry.




Isaac's Thought's